Medical School (1985) and Residency in Ophthalmology (1986-7) at Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre – (UFCSPA);
Certification by Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology (1988), Fellowship in Retina (1990) at Institute of Ophthalmology Professor Ivo Corrêa-Meyer (IICM);
Master Science Degree (MSc, 1995), and Doctoral (PhD, 1999) at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ); Director, Retina Service and Post Graduate Program in Ophthalmology at IICM (1999 -);
Post-Doctoral in Epidemiology (2014) at Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel);
Full Professor of Ophthalmology (2005-2015) at UFPel; Full Professor of Ophthalmology (2015 -) at UFCSPA;
Researcher at the Cardiology Institute/University Foundation of Cardiology Porto Alegre (2012 -).

Author and/or coauthor of 8 textbooks, over a hundred of  articles in medical journals, nearly 100 textbook chapters, more than 280 lectureships.
Member of the editorial board and scientific reviewer of several ophthalmic journals.