Vincenzo Scorcia, MD, graduated from La Sapienza University (Roma, Italy) in 2001. He completed his residency in ophthalmology at Eye Hospital, University “Magna Græcia” (Catanzaro, Italy) in 2006 and his clinical and surgical fellowship in Cornea and External Diseases at “Villa Serena Hospital”, Eye Department, (Forlì, Italy) with Prof. Dr. M. Busin, (February 2006 – January 2008). He completed a “Honorary Fellowship” with Mr. J. K. Dart, Consultant Ophthalmologist and Deputy Director Research & Development at Moorfields Eye Hospital in 2008.

His research interests are in the fields of corneal diseases, ocular surface diseases and corneal transplantation.  He has been an invited speaker at several national and international meetings. He has served on the scientific committee of the Italian Society of Corneal Transplantation (SITRAC) and the board of several national societies. He has authored or co-authored several books and over 100 articles in peer reviewed international journals. He is recipient of a number of national and international prizes and he has taken part in several multicenter trials, including PRIN (PROGETTI DI RILEVANTE INTERESSE NAZIONALE) and PON (Programma Operativo Nazionale) projects related to neurodegenerative ocular diseases, antibiotic and glaucoma therapy, cornea and anterior segment.