Villa Saroli, Viale Stefano Franscini, 9
PO BOX 1170 - CH-6901 Lugano, Switzerland
T +41 (0)91 921 11 54 | E
Associated to logo USI

Our doctors

Presentation of the doctors we were able to support

Thanks to the collaboration with the association «Eyes of the world», we could already help some doctors.

The Eyes of the world Foundation was created in July 2001 by the current President Rafael Ribó and Vice President Borja Corcóstegui. Eyes of the world is a non-profit organization that works to bring high-quality ophthalmic care, through local health services, to visually impaired people without the financial and medical resources necessary to treat themselves. It also seeks to raise awareness in society regarding the deficiencies in basic healthcare suffered by those living in poor and developing countries.


Country: Africa, Mozambique

Age: 38

Assane Polídio Vasco Mundulai

Dear Donator & ESASO

I am Assane Polídio Vasco Mundulai, an ophthalmologist at Inhambane Provincial Hospital, Mozambique. I am 38 years old, Mozambican, attended the ESASO Module “Intermediate & Advanced Cataract and Intraocular Refractive Surgery” between 2nd to 6th December 2019 in Lugano, Switzerland.

This course was very important for me because, among other things, id added my clinical and surgical skills. The course gave me the tools to predict and overcoming surgical complications and deal with difficult surgical cases. I had a good experience attending this ESASO course and participating in the “ESASO SeeWorld Project”. It was well organized in all aspects, from the logistics of travel, accommodation, meals, transport and the opportunity to get classes from renowned lectures in the world, among other things.

Now is the third week after course and am seeing the impact of the course about clinical approach and surgical skills. That’s why, I want to thank the Donor, ESASO & Fundació Ulls del món, for your generosity to select me and funding a Donator.
I look forward to continuing help to restore vision to the people of my community and my country, and you played a big role to help me to continue to achieve this goal

Assane Polídio Vasco Mundulai, MD(UEM), MMed Ophth (Nairobi)

Pre course testimony

My name is Assane Polidio Vasco Mundulai,
I am ophthalmologist in Inhambane Province, Mozambique. The burden of reversible blindness is cataract. I am blessed helping people of this region to restoring their vision and take them back to normal life. Am so glade see them going back to the farm and take care themselves their cattle.
This is wonderful!

Assane Polidio Vasco Mundulai


Country: Africa, Mozambique

Age: 46

Mariamo Saide Abdala Mbofana

My Names is Mariamo Abdala Mbofana, 46 years old, Mozambican, ophthtalmologist and working at Maputo Central Hospital.
I attended the intermediate and advanced cataract and intraocular Refrative Surgery.

It was important to participate in this course because it allowed me to raise my knowledge in the area of cataract and especially in the management of complications. It was gratifying to share experience with other professionals with diferente realities. The opportunity i had to practice some techniques in wet lab was wondeful and it gave me a self-confidence of being able to put into my daily practice.

I want to kindly thank everyone who supported making this course a reality and ESASO for the opportunity.

Mariamo Saide Abdala Mbofana

Pre course testimony

Advanced training in ophthalmology will enable the candidate to increase her capabilities and improve her technical skills. Once returned to the country she will share these capabilities and skills with other colleagues and apply to improve the quality of health care in Mozambique.

Mariamo Saide Abdala Mbofana