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PO BOX 1170 - CH-6901 Lugano, Switzerland
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Faculty Testimonials



Being part of the ESASO is real satisfaction and privilege for me. Modules format is a unique chance for  communication with international audience, and the new Teaching Center in Lugano provides intensive lectures course with interactive WetLab demonstration and training. Trainees are highly motivated young specialists, aspiring to new knowledge. ESASO gives everyone great teaching and learning experience in a very friendly atmosphere.

MASTROPASQUA Leonardo, Italy

Professor, Ophthalmology Dept., University G. D’Annunzio, Chieti, Italy

It is a great privilege for me to be part of the ESASO Faculty. I strongly believe that the philosophy and the aims of the ESASO Modules are really new in the European ophthalmic teaching scenario, and I especially enjoy in the great interaction with the audience and the students. I can say that we always learn from them, and receive insights on how we should improve and towards where we should direct our teaching effort, as mentors. Moreover ESASO is always expanding with new ideas and educational opportunities.

WASSFI Mohamed, Egypt-U.A.E.

Head of Ophthalmology Department, University Hospital Sharjah & Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Sharjah, U.A.E.

It is a great honour to be part of the ESASO Faculty of Cataract, Cornea and Refractive Modules, accompanied by all renowned surgeons in the field.
Participating in the organization and development of the modules was an immensely satisfying experience in many ways. It allowed me to develop a series of invaluable personal and professional connections. But the most satisfying of all, was sharing my knowledge with colleagues while I learned from them as well.

NIKOLAKOPOULOS Athanasios, Greece

Retina Surgeon, Thessaloniki, Greece

It is a great honor to be part of the ESASO Faculty.
I have participated in the Retina Modules and wet labs,three times in Lugano and once in Ankara.
The most important aspect in ESASO Modules is that they are scheduled to give an overall view of the subject and lead to a step by step fellowship, leading to a higher level of education.
Interactive is what makes the difference and a lot of time is given for each issue.
Of course a lot of hidden work is done, leading to a superb organization of subjects and a constant evolution of wet labs and teaching methods.
I feel privileged for the interactive experience I had with ESASO. Thank you all.



Chair, Institute of Ophthalmology & Visual Science, Rutgers-New Jersey University, Newark

ESASO is a truly international organization focused on extending knowledge and skills beyond the level achieved even in excellent ophthalmology resident and fellowship training programs. The students, who venture from all parts of the world, are well prepared, which enables the faculty, comprising leaders in ophthalmology from throughout the world, to share their experience fully. The teaching modules thus can be valuable for students with varying degrees of sophistication. The learning environment is informal, and the setting of Lugano is tranquil and beautiful. All combine to make the ESASO modules a unique and thoroughly enjoyable educational opportunity. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to contribute to this outstanding school.

STALMANS Ingeborg, Belgium


Head, Glaucoma Unit, Ophthalmology Department, University Hospitals Leuven

It is a privilege and a pleasure for me to be part of the ESASO course faculty.
The format and the spirit of the ESASO modules is quite unique in many ways. The format allows sufficient time to discuss the topics in depth and interact intensively with the audience. The participants generally already have a good background knowledge and are very motivated, interested and eager to learn more, which makes it a pleasure to teach them. Altogether an excellent educational initiative which I can warmly recommend.



Professor, Moorfields Eye Hospital and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, London

I am very pleased to have been part of the ESASO faculty and I particularly enjoyed interacting with young doctors from many geographical locations.

SHAARAWY Tarek, Switzerland


Privat Docent, Head Glaucoma Unit, University of Geneva Hospitals

The ESASO module on glaucoma was an excellent opportunity for me to meet young brilliant minds of my colleagues and to do my best to draw them to our wonderful subspeciality of glaucoma. This course also was instrumental in teaching, through its well organized wetlab, an introduction into advanced glaucoma surgery. I strongly recommend it.

TRUBILIN Vladimir, Russia


Professor of Ophthalmology and Chair, Ophthalmology Dept., Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow

As a faculty member, I had opportunity to participate as a guest speaker at Lugano Cataract module in 2012, as a host I took part in organizing similar module in Moscow at 2013. I feel myself a part of a team of highly professional specialists motivated to improve the level of knowledge of ophthalmologists all over the world. It’s honor for me, that my son became the second Russian doctor, who graduated the full course at ESASO and has been awarded the degree of Diploma Superior Specialist in Ophthalmology.

SEREGARD Stefan, Sweden

Professor of Ophthalmology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm and Chair, Department of Vitreoretinal Diseases at St Eriks Eye Hospital, Stockholm

The ESASO venture has rapidly grown into a major player in European education in Ophthalmology. In just a few years, ESASO has recruited a large faculty covering a wide range of topics. I am very pleased to note that the high quality of the ESASO setup now makes the courses among some of the best offered anywhere across the globe.

MOISSEIEV Joseph, Israel

Associated Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University; Director Ophthalmology Dept., The Goldschleger Eye Institute, The Sheba Medical Center

The Tel Aviv ESASO module in March 2014 was a very rewarding experience for me as an instructor. The combination of lectures and interactive discussion with the participants in an informal atmosphere created a unique platform, where both practical and theoretical aspects of retinal diseases and vitreoretinal surgery were examined in depth. Many of the participants had a wealth of knowledge in ophthalmology in general and retina in particular, and this provided a solid basis for exchange of ideas, not just passive spoon feeding. The live surgery session was very successful and aroused many important debates regarding options and choices of surgical techniques. This is education at the best level, for the participants as well as for the faculty.

ALKABES Micol, Italy

Vitreoretinal Consultant, University Eye Clinic, San Giuseppe Hospital, Milano

When I was a Resident in Ophthalmology, I strongly desired to take part in the Retina Modules of the ESASO. Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity and I started to think that I should have probably gave up. Nowadays, that is some years later, I have the privilege and the honor to be a Retina Faculty of this amazing school, full of experienced teachers and young enthusiastic ophthalmologists with whom I can shared a deep scientific knowledge, personal opinions and always being updated with the latest innovation on surgical and diagnostic techniques. It is like a brain-storm!!

But ESASO is not only this. It is the place where professional partnerships and friendships may start… where a scientific passion can suddenly arise for the first time…or, once more, it might simply represent one of the goal for your professional future, who knows. When you become a Faculty, you have some duties and responsibilities with those who are listening to you. This make you study, even more than when you were a student, and this could be really stimulating.
Thank you ESASO, I am proud to be part of it !!”

ELIES Daniel, Spain

Cornea, Cataract & Refractive Surgery Specialist, Institut Microcirurgia Ocular, Barcelona

It is a great honor to be part of the ESASO Faculty of Cataract , Cornea and Refractive Modules in Lugano and Barcelona. It has been an intense academic experience for me as an instructor, ESASO is attracting great and highly-motivated students and young ophthalmologists. It is an honour to be part of ESASO team.

ERGINAY Ali, France

Full time senior consultant, Ophthalmology Department, Lariboisière Hospital, Paris

My first privilege of participation to the ESASO course was for the Imaging module in Lugano, in June 2013. It was very enriching for me to communicate with highly motivated students and meet other faculty members. I was very happy to see the OCT module published as ESASO course series book later. ESASO is an important European educative institution gathering young ophthalmologists from different countries, allowing them to identify their knowledge gaps in ophthalmology and to develop their medical and surgical skills. It’s a great pleasure and an honor for me to be part of the ESASO faculty.

ROSSI Tommaso, Italy

Vitreo Retinal Consultant, Ophthalmic Hospital, Roma, Italy

Being part of ESASO’s faculty gives me the opportunity to really teach as interactively as I wish and offers a unique real – time feedback from the class. It is challenging and stimulating at the same time. I do believe teachers learn and improve at least as much as students do. Thank you ESASO!


Consultant Ophthalmologist, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London

It is a really fulfilling experience for me to be part of the ESASO faculty. It is very fruitful to witness the academic environment and share and gain knowledge from the keen ophthalmologists. I also admire the efforts that ESASO has put in to create an excellent faculty and facility for this opportunity

COSCAS Gabriel, France

Emeritus Professor, Hôpital Intercommunal de Créteil

The organization of ESASO showed from the beginning an ambitious program that was able to realize and magnificently enrich daily. Today we have a well-established reality, with a primary role in post-resident formation, covering excellently every branch of our beloved discipline. Every aspect is carefully tended: from the venues to the excellent faculty coming from all over the world. I’m really grateful and proud of being part of this ambitious project which is one of the flagships of ophthalmology worldwide.



Director of Ophthalmic Unit, Istituto Humanitas, Milano

ESASO is a new model of teaching. Participant do not assist to standard presentations. We start from a case that everyone could meet to come to the rule. This is an easier and more practical way to learn and remember. But is not only that. In the afternoons wet labs make the theory more challenging in real surgery.

LEHOANG Phuc, France

Chair of Ophthalmology, Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital at Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris

During my first participation to the ESASO course in February 2014, I was very impressed by the high level of knowledge of the participants who asked pertinent questions and stimulate my own way of thinking.

MORARU Ozana, Romania


Consultant Ophthalmologist, Oculus Eye Clinic, Bucharest, Romania

It was a pleasure and a honor for me to be a part of this impressive project, ESASO, where I had the chance to get in direct contact with highly motivated students from different parts of the world. What I enjoyed the most was, apart from the high professionalism and support from the organizers, the students’ enthusiasm, their direct participation to the lecture, having a lot of questions and comments concerning the courses presented.

Being this year for the first time as a faculty member, I found ESASO cataract module 2014 very valuable for the young ophthalmologists and I encourage them to continue to attend the ESASO program.



Consultant, Medical Retina and Uveitis unit, Ocular Microsurgery Institute (IMO), Barcelona, Spain

I had the privilege to be a part of the ESASO faculty for the first time during the Medical Retina Module that was held in Lugano, in June 2014. It was an immensely satisfying experience in many ways. The excellent location, the efficient organization and above all, the students, with their enthusiasm and keen interest. It has also been of big interest for me, since we have been able to share opinions and knowledge with other experts. In summary, the ESASO courses are a unique experience to learn and to share experiences in a very interactive setting.

GÜELL José L., Spain


Director, Cornea and refractive surgery unit, Ocular Microsurgery Institute (IMO), Barcelona, Spain

Associate Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.

Having being involved with the ESASO project from the beginning, I find extremely attractive the atmosphere created during the modules, between the students group and the trainers.

It is a unique experience for both sides and highly beneficial from an academic point of view.

TJIA Khiun F., Netherlands

Consultant Ophthalmologist, Isala Clinics, Zwolle, Netherlands

Teaching eager and motivated colleagues from the very basics of ultrasound and fluidics technology up to the management of challenging and complicated cataract cases in a very convenient and interactive setting, has been very rewarding experiences for both educator and students. It is the setup of the program with a limited number of attendees, which creates the safe and highly educational atmosphere for effective learning.

VÁSQUEZ Luz Maria, Spain

Consultant, Ophthalmic plastic and orbital surgery unit, Ocular Microsurgery Institute (IMO), Barcelona, Spain

I have been part of ESASO since 3 years ago when we started the modules of ophthalmic plastic surgery in Malta (January 2012) and the experience has been not only enriching but also very rewarding. Participate in the Organization and development of each module allows me to develop a series of invaluable personal and professional connections. It is an honour to be part of ESASO, accompanied by all renowned surgeons in the field.

But the most satisfying of all, is the power of transmitting and sharing your knowledge with the students and colleagues while you learn from them as well.

SCHALENBOURG Ann, Switzerland


Head of Adult Ocular Oncology Unit, Jules-Gonin Eye Hospital and Senior Lecturer at University of Lausanne, Switzerland

While at international congresses we tend to focus on the latest updates in one topic and at home we teach gradually the basics to our residents, ESASO offers a unique setting allowing combining both; I have the space to present a comprehensive overview on all fundus tumours to a very motivated international public of high profile ophthalmologists. Thinking also of the helpful staff and the beauty of Lugano, I truly feel privileged to teach at ESASO.

KOSS Michael, Germany


Head of Retina and associate professor at the Department of Ophthalmology, Ruprecht Karls University, Heidelberg, Germany

The ESASO faculty appointment gives a great piece of satisfaction and highlights the beauty of ocular surgery by teaching and discussing it with colleagues form around the world. The eye stays roughly the same, but ESASO provides the differences in mentality and culture, something that you can hardly describe in a program. Thanks for being part of it.

GOLDSTEIN Michaella, Israel


Deputy Head, Department of Ophthalmology, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel

I have felt so much honored to be part of the ESASO Faculty of Retina Module in Tel Aviv, my hometown, as well as in Lugano and in Bari. Each time, across cultures and geography, it has been an intense uplifting academic experience for me as an instructor for ESASO excellence is attracting great students, all of whom enthusiastic and highly-motivated young ophthalmologists. I thank the ESASO organizing team. Their professionalism and support to the faculty and participants must be acknowledged.

ELDEM Bora, Turkey


Professor, Ophthalmology Department, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey

It’s been a great pleasure for me to be a member of ESASO faculty. The course held in Lugano in February 2014 was amazing. I think the attending ophthalmologists must get the whole credit. I have never seen such an enthusiastic, young and eager to learn group before. I spent a half day with them and their questions, discussions and the interactive mode of the sessions really motivated me and helped me to realize once again how wonderful sharing the knowledge is. Finally I would like to thank the organizers for the beautiful venue and the perfect teaching facilities they have provided.

I wholeheartedly believe that these courses would add a lot to achieve the goal of raising the standards in ophthalmology.



Consultant Ophthalmologist, Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow, UK

I am a new member to the ESASO faculty since January 2014. It has been a wonderful experience! One of the features of ESASO is the variety of participants from all over the world. It was a pleasure and a privilege to teach (and learn) from colleagues from around the world. The atmosphere is relaxed but full of enthusiasm and desire for learning.

The practical sessions are particularly useful to highlight techniques discussed in lectures. I would strongly recommend the ESASO modules to ophthalmologists who want expert training in an ideal environment…

BRUSINI Paolo, Italy


Head Ophthalmology Department, Santa Maria della Misericordia Hospital, Udine, Italy

When I first came to Lugano as an invited speaker for the Glaucoma session in 2013, I quickly realized how excellent this school was, and how fortunate I was to be amongst some of the most important world experts in the various fields of ophthalmology. I found this experience to be very exciting and enriching. I was really impressed with the glaucoma wet lab. There were more than 25 perfectly organized stations in which students could easily interact on a one-to-one basis with the various tutors and experts. This is just one example of how a well organized teaching course can be clinically useful for hundreds of young and highly-motivate doctors at the start of their carrier. I am very happy and honored to be part of this unique organization, and hope to continue to cooperate with the ESASO in the near future.



Professor of Ophthalmology and Deputee Dean of the Medical School at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.

It is a very special experience for me to be part of the ESASO faculty. It is so exciting to witness how a group of young, eager, students are trying to improve their knowledge and get to be professionals in the field of medical and surgical retina disease. The small groups, the academic atmosphere, the convenient facility, the excellent faculty from all over the world, and the dry and wet labs, make this learning and teaching experience unique of his kind. I am proud to be part of it!

ÖZMERT Emin, Turkey


Head, Department of Retina & Vitreous Diseases and Surgery, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine & Vehbi Koç Eye Hospital, and Coordinator of ESASO Modules in Turkey.

For the second time in October 2013 I had the pleasure of organizing an ESASO Medical & Surgical Retina module using the facilities at my University in Ankara. 28 young ophthalmologists from throughout the world took the opportunity to study the basics of surgical retina and improve their practical skills with hands-on training at our modern wetlab facilities and HD 3D live surgeries. My colleagues and I greatly enjoyed lecturing these young, talented and highly-motivated ophthalmologists. It is a pleasure and an honour to be a part of the ESASO faculty.



MMCPAth, Dept. of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Malta

Being part of the ESASO Eyelids Module faculty in January 2013 at my own University of Malta was an interesting experience. I had already been involved with providing cadaveric material for dissection in previous courses and was very impressed by the way the dissections and training were planned and executed.

ESASO is an important school of specialist training and I am proud that the Anatomy Department of our University can contribute as one of the campuses chosen.