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Basic phaco course 3 – Available from January 28th on-demand on eLOS

Basic phaco course 3

Available from January 28th , on-demand on eLOS


Course Description

This course covers the following topics:

  • Managing epinucleus and cortex removal; Parameters for Vacuum and Flow, I/A technique; bimanual & Coaxial with soft and metal tips.
  • IOL implantation; Implanting the IOL without tearing or stretching the wound, correct use of OVD., loading IOLs in injectors, wound assisted delivery, positioning the IOL in the capsular bag.
  • Completing the surgery; antibiotic injection, and final disinfection.
  • Tips to minimize problems following posterior capsule rupture; techniques to stabilize the AC, how to verify the presence of vitreous in the AC.
  • Anterior vitrectomy; tools and techniques, through the corneal incision, via pars plana. Importance of OVD selection. How to proceed if nuclear fragments remain in the capsular bag. Which IOL and where to place it; sulcus implantation techniques.
  • How to approach cataract procedures with a small pupil. Events producing pupil constriction. Methods for small pupil management: mechanical; pharmacological; viscodilatation.
  • Intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS) management strategies and techniques.
  • Managing long and vitrectomised eyes: Biometry evaluation, surgical considerations,
  • Managing short eyes, Biometry evaluation, anatomical evaluation of AC. Phaco machine setting and fluidics. Case presentation of nanophthalmic eye and management.

Programme: HERE

  1. Irrigation, aspiration, and IOL
  2.  “Ping” the posterior capsule has ruptured!
  3.  Small pupil and IFIS
  4. Long and short eyes

Application: Click Here
CME: An application has been made to the EACCME® for CME accreditation of this event.


September 30, 2021


October 1, 2021

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