Wear ESASO and spread the word

You’ve been asking for it, so we made it real. The ESASO Foundation merchandising collects a few high quality items that you can purchase and use to bring ESASO, its mission and its values, around the world with you. Every purchase helps our non-profit Foundation to pursue the goal to make ophthalmology better every day, by financing the development of Educational activities, the Research, the growth of the international Community fo Eye Care professionals.


For the Future of Ophthalmology

Villa Saroli
Viale Stefano Franscini, 9
CH-6901 Lugano (Switzerland)

+41 (0)91 921 11 54

ESASO Training Centre
Via agli Orti 20, CH-6901 Lugano


Postal Address
c/o BNTA
Via Balestra 17, PO Box 1170 6901 Lugano

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