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We have a collaboration with the association «Eyes of the world», which helps us to find the doctors to support.

The Eyes of the world Foundation was created in July 2001 by the current President Rafael Ribó and Vice President Borja Corcóstegui. Eyes of the world is a non-profit organization that works to bring high-quality ophthalmic care, through local health services, to visually impaired people without the financial and medical resources necessary to treat themselves. It also seeks to raise awareness in society regarding the deficiencies in basic healthcare suffered by those living in poor and developing countries.


Country: Asia, Indonesia, Sarubaya
Age: 35

Payment reference: Doctor 1

Fitrika Wahyu Listari

Open to read the CV


1991 – 1997 : Pawyatan Daha, Elementary School, Kediri, East Java, Indonesia
1997 – 2000 : Junior High School / SMP Negeri 1 Kediri, East Java, Indonesia
2000 – 2003 : Senior High School / SMU Negeri 2 Kediri, East Java, Indonesia
2003 – 2009 : Medical Degree at Brawijaya University Indonesia / Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang, Indonesia GPA: 3,26

2012 – 2017 : Specialisation in Ophthalmology Airlangga University Indonesia / Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya, Indonesia

Reseach Work : (In Indonesian) Perbedaan Efektivitas antara Tetes Mata Serum Autologus 20% dan Tetes Mata Kombinasi Selulosa dan Dextran 70 pada Sindroma Mata Kering Derajat 3 (Studi Eksperimental Klinis di RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya)
Supervisor : Eddyanto, dr., Sp.M, Endang Retnowati,dr., MS, Sp.PK(K) GPA: 3,72

Job experience:

2010 – 2012 General Practitioner, Emergency Department, Kertosono General Hospital, Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia

2016 Ophthalmology Residency, Waluyo Jati General Hospital Kraksaan, Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia

Ophthalmology Residency, Soedono General Hospital Madiun, East Java, Indonesia

Ophthalmology Residency, Bhakti Dharma Husada Hospital Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

2018 – now Ophthalmologist, Haji General Hospital Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia Ophthalmologist, Dokter Sjamsu Eye Clinic Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

2019 – now Ophthalmologist, Al Azizi Hospital Jombang, East Java, Indonesia

Workshop & Symposium:

2020 Basic Phacoemulsification Workshop, Surabaya, Indonesia (Participant) Basic Low Vision Training, Surabaya, Indonesia (Participant)

2019 Femto Lasik vs Relex Smile Symposium, Surabaya, Indonesia (Participant)

Ophthalmology Continuing Medical Education 1 “The Broken Eyes”, Malang, East Java, Indonesia (Participant)

Perdami 44th Annual Scientific Meeting, Makasar, Sulawesi, Indonesia (Participant)

Pelatihan Pembimbing Klinik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hang Tuah, Surabaya, Indonesia (Participant)

2018 ESASO Asia 17th Module 2018 Medical & Surgical Retina, Bangkok, Thailand (Participant)

Perdami 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia (Participant)

Youth Ophthalmology Programme, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia (Participant)

The 4rd East Java Ophthalmology Workshop & Symposium, JW Marriot Hotel Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia (Participant)

Clinical Practice Update in Ophthalmology, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia (Participant)

2016 The 3rd East Java Ophthalmology Workshop & Symposium, JW Marriot Hotel Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia (Participant)

How to Do Save Phacoemulsification Surgery, Pullman Hotel Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia (Participant)

2015 Optimizing Visual Outcome, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia (Participant)

Practical Pearl in Pediatric Ophthalmology, Auditorium of Faculty Medicine Airlangga University, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia (Participant)

Advancing Glaucoma Care, The Singhasari Resort, Batu, Malang, East Java, Indonesia (Participant)

2014 Cataract and Simple Oculoplasty, Fakultas Kedokteran UNS Surakarta, East Java, Indonesia (Participant)

Advanced Technology Phacoemulsification Machine Update, Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia (Participant)

2013 Pengembangan Sel Punca dalam Riset Dasar dan Terapan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia (Participant)

Basic Ophthalmology in Daily Practice, The Singhasari Resort, Batu, Malang, East Java, Indonesia (Participant)

2012 Emergency Management of Ocular Trauma, Bumi Hotel, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia (Participant)

2011 Imaging and Intervention in Breast, Head, and Neck Malignancy, JW Marriot Hotel Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia (Participant)

Penanggulangan Penderita Gawat Darurat, Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang, East Java, Indonesia (Participant)

2010 Understanding Eye Conditions Related to Diabetes Mellitus, Malang, East Java, Indonesia (Participant)

Paper/Case Report/Poster:

2015 Residual Axotropia due to Fat Adherence Syndrome (Poster/Unpublished) Supervisor : Rozalina Loebis, dr., Sp.M(K)

2014 Kortikosteroid SIstemik pada Uveitis (Case Report/Unpublished) Supervisor : Randy Montara, dr., Sp.M, Dr. Sunarni,dr., M.Kes Kegagalan Flap Konjungtiva pada Descemetocele (Case Report/Unpublished)
Supervisor : Ismi Zuhria, dr., Sp.M(K)

Cryotheraphy in Large Descemetocele (Poster/Unpublished)
Supervisor : Ismi Zuhria, dr., Sp.M(K)

2013 Esotropia Kongenital (Paper/Unpublished)
Supervisor : Prof. Hamidah M Ali, dr., Sp.M(K)

Uveoscleritis dengan Scleralectasia (Case Report/Unpublished)
Supervisor : Ismi Zuhria, dr.,Sp.M(K)


Member of Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI)
Member of Persatuan Dokter Mata Indonesia (Perdami)


Good Attitude, Kind, Communicative, Deligent, Tolerant, Be Responsible

My name is Fitrika Wahyu Listari. I am 35 years old. I am a mother of two boys. I live in Surabaya, the capital of East Java, Indonesia. I finished my ophthalmology speciality at Airlangga University Surabaya East Java Indonesia in 2017 and then I start work as an ophthalmologist at Haji General Hospital Surabaya.

Haji Hospital is a teaching hospital, belong to East Java Provincial Government. I also joined Dokter Sjamsu Eye Clinic and Al Aziz Hospital. My daily activities are ophthalmology caring and teaching the clinical medical student. On my daily ophthalmology caring, there are much difficult cataract cases, some I am not sure to manage by myself than I refer to cataract consultant.

But not all patients are ready to be referred to cataract consultant or cataract centre due to cost, distance, or the long queue, sometimes patients with a systemic condition that hard to manage in cataract centre as well as in general hospital. Patients who came to my hospital are not only people from Surabaya, but also some area surrounding even island surrounding, because Haji Hospital is a third line referral hospital (the fourth is the highest).

There are four ophthalmologists in Haji Hospital, I am the youngest. I am a member of Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI) and Persatuan Dokter Mata Indonesia (Perdami). We perform charity cataract surgery in some area especially in lagging region, sometimes also in Surabaya. I am interested in cataract and refractive surgery because there are still huge numbers of blindness due to cataract in my country, there are also many different difficult cases in cataract.

Fitrika Wahyu Listari


Country: Asia, Indonesia, Medan
Age: 37

Payment reference: Doctor 2

Andrea Radotma Silitonga

Open to read the CV

Educational background

1. Primary school : SD Kalam Kudus, Pematangsiantar (1989-1995)
2. Secondary school : SLTP Kalam Kudus, Pematangsiantar (1995-1998)
3. High School : SMU Kalam Kudus, Pematangsiantar (1998-2001)
4. Faculty of Medicine, University of North Sumatera, Medan (2002-2008)
5. Ophthalmology specialist program, Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University/Cicendo National Eye Hospital, Bandung (2011-2015)

Working experience:

2009-2011 : Medical doctor at Primary Health Facility in Papua, Indonesia
2015-now : Ophthalmologist at Sumatra Eye Hospital (SMEC), Medan, Indonesia

Scientific Research:

1. Comparison of Nearwork-Induced Transient Myopia in Myopic and Emetropic Sundanese Children (2014)
2. Clinical Characteristic and Management of Neovascular Glaucoma (2014)
3. Bevacizumab in Retinal Vein Occlusion : Outcomes in Real Life Data in SMEC Eye Hospital Medan (2019)

Scientific presentation:

1) Poster presenter, Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Neovascular Glaucoma in Cicendo Eye Hospital Indonesia pada The 1st Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Congress, Bali, Indonesia (2012)
2) Poster preseter, Neuro-ophthalmic Manifestation of Brain Tumor pada The 7th Asian Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Congress, Bali, Indonesia (2013)
3) Poster presenter, Reconstruction of Socket Contracture Using Dermis Graft and Fornix Formation Suture, The 38th Annual Meeting of Indonesian Ophthalmology Association (IOA), Palembang, Indonesia (2013)
4) Free paper presenter, Neovascular glaucoma : Clinical Characteristic and Management, The 39th Annual Meeting of Indonesian Ophthalmology Association (IOA), D.I. Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2014)
5) Poster presenter, Comparison of Nearwork-Induced Transient Myopia in Myopic and Emetropic Sundanese Children, Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmologist/APAO (2016)
6) Poster presenter, Central Retinal Vein Occlusion in Advanced Glaucoma, in The 44th Annual Meeting of Indonesian Ophthalmology Association (IOA), Makassar, Indonesia (2019)
7) Poster presenter, Parainfectious Optic Neuritis Following Acute Cholecystitis in Young Adult, in The 44th Annual Meeting of Indonesian Ophthalmology Association (IOA), Makassar, Indonesia (2019)
8) Free paper presenter, Bevacizumab in Retinal Vein Occlusion : Outcomes in Real Life Data in SMEC Eye Hospital Medan, in The 44th Annual Meeting of Indonesian Ophthalmology Association (IOA), Makassar, Indonesia (2019)

Training and seminars:

2019 Participant, European School of Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology (ESASO) Asia – National University Hospital, Electroretinogram (ERG) course, Singapore.

2018 Participant, European School of Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology (ESASO) Asia, 17th Module in Medical and Surgical Vitreoretina (with wet lab), Bangkok, Thailand.

2017 Participant, The 11th, Asia Pacific Vitreo-Retina Society (APVRS) Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

2016 Poster presenter, The 31st Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) Congress, Taipei

2015 Participant, The 3rd Biennial Symposium and Course of Indonesian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (INASCRS), Jakarta.
Participant, Corneal Workshop of Indonesian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (INASCRS), Jakarta.

2015 Participant, Surgical Management in Corneal and Ocular Surface Disorders, Gadjah Mada University, D.I. Yogyakarta.

2014 Participant, Annual Scientific Meeting Bandung, Life Without Darkness. West Java Indonesian Association of Ophthalmologist/IOA (PERDAMI Jawa Barat),  Cicendo Eye Hospital, Bandung.

Participant, The 39th Annual Meeting of Indonesian Ophthalmology Association (IOA), D.I. Yogyakarta

Participant Vitreoretina Surgery Workshop 2014 “Advancing MIVS Trends- Expanding the Scope”, IOA Vitreoretinal working group (Seminat Vitreoretina PERDAMI), Jakarta.

Participant, Introducing Indonesia Myopic CNV Guidelines, IOA Vitreoretinal working group (Seminat Vitreoretina PERDAMI), Jakarta.
Participant, Training of Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness (RAAB), Cicendo National Eye Center, Bandung

2013 Participant and poster presenter, The 7th Asian Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Congress, Bali, Indonesia

Participant and poster presenter, The 38th Annual Meeting of Indonesian Ophthalmology Association (IOA), Palembang

Participant, Annual Scientific Meeting:Eye Rehabilitation for Simple Life. West Java Indonesian Association of Ophthalmologist/IOA (PERDAMI Jawa Barat), Cicendo National Eye Center, Bandung.

2012 Participant, Symposium West Java Regional IOA Scientific Meeting, PERDAMI Jawa Barat, Bandung Participant, Symposium The 1st Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Congress, Bali, Indonesia

2011 Participant, Scientific Meeting Reconstruction, Oculoplasty and Oncology, Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus, Cataract & Neuro-ophthalmology, Cicendo National Eye Center, Bandung

2009 Participant, Training “Mobile Clinic”, Program Percepatan Pembangunan Bidang Kesehatan di Tanah Papua (P2KTP), Sorong, Papua Barat.

2008 Participant, training Advance Cardiac Life Support, Indonesia Heart Association, Jakarta.

Ophthalmology Skills:

  • Management of ophthalmic patients from examination, diagnosis and treatment.
  • Cataract surgery (Extracapsular cataract surgery (ECCE), Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery/Manual SICS, Phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation)
  • Intra vitreal injection of anti VEGF
  • Pneumatic Retinopexy
  • Experience with supervision : Scleral Buckle with external drainage and cryotherapy
  • Laser treatment : Laser photocoagulation therapy for diabetic retinopathy, Nd Yag Laser for posterior capsul opacification (PCO), Laser Peripheral Iridotomy (LPI).
  • Able to use and interpret examinations of ocular ultrasonography (USG), OCT (Ocular Coherence Tomography), OCT-Angiography, fundus photography, visual field examination (perimetry using humphrey visual field analyzer) and ocular keratobiometry/interferometry.
  • Glaucoma surgery : Trabeculectomy with/without mytomicin C, Trans-scleral cyclophotocoagulation (TSCPC)
  • Pterygium surgery with conjunctival autograft
  • Management of ocular trauma including corneal and palpebral repair and miscelaneous minor ophthalmic surgery.

Organization and membership:

  • Member of Indonesian Medical Association (2008 until present)
  • Member of Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association (2011 until present)
  • Member of American Academy of Ophthalmology/AAO (2012 until present)
  • Member of International Society of Refractive Surgery (2012 until present)

Personal skills:

Fluent in Indonesian and good in English.
Familiar in using Windows Operating System, MAC Operating System, Microsoft Office.

My name is Andrea Radotma Silitonga, I’m a young ophthalmologist from Indonesia, South East Asia. I live in Medan, North Sumatra and work full time in an eye hospital that serves for people using National Health Insurance.

My country, Indonesia, is the world’s largest island country (more than 17.000 islands) and the world’s 4th most populous country (almost 270 million people). It is a very beautiful island country with sceneries from mountain to sea, however, it is also struggling for development due to transportation facilities and infrastructure difficulties. According to National Health Research in 2013, the prevalence of blindness was 0.4% (close to 900.000 people) and cataract prevalence was 1,8% which was 4 million people. Cataract is the leading cause of blindness in Indonesia. This number continue to accumulates each year in accordance with the increasing population and life expectancy, and new cases of cataract ( estimated 0.1% of the total population about 250,000 per year), and all these still adds up due to cataract backlog each year. Indonesia’s climate (tropical) also makes its residents have a tendency to suffer from cataracts 15 years faster than residents in subtropical areas, around 16-22% of cataract patients who were operated on are under 55 years old. Furthermore, the geographical condition in Indonesia (long distance between cities and islands) and its suboptimal transportation facilities makes it difficult for people to go to big cities to have medical surgery.

I work in a private hospital that truly wants to give back to the community especially in my region North Sumatra and even in Indonesia. We work together with government hospitals in far and away districts in North Sumatra, Aceh, and other regions in Indonesia, that do not have any ophthalmologist, to provide for high quality and high volume cataract surgeries (phacoemulsification with intraocular lens). Most people in our region hesitates to go to big city due to distance/transportation fee which can cost them a fortune! Doing cataract surgery in far away districts means doing the surgery as efficient and as safe as possible, with very minimal almost none complication. Even if complication did occur, the ophthalmologist should be able to manage it her/himself (since other ophthalmologist is hundreds miles away!) and can only refer severe cases. Doing cataract surgery in secluded area also demands highly skilled ophthalmologists, since most cataracts that is presented on the table is long awaited cataract mostly hard cataract, not rarely with subluxation, and complicated or traumatic cataract. In my country, formal fellowship in cataract surgery only held in several university hospital in Java island, and the queue is quite long.

Many eye hospitals trained their ophthalmologist locally (in-house training), including myself. Aside from my training, I learn from watching videos in youtube and local workshops. I am aware that my knowledge might be not enough to continue provide high quality and high volume surgeries. My best interest is to learn more, so I can give the best to my patients, even those in faraway secluded cities. Thus it is my dream to be able to learn from the experts in cataract surgery, especially through ESASO because of its leading faculties all across the world. I hope I can get support from generous people who also concerns about blindness in developing countries, together we can work it out!

Andrea Radotma Silitonga

Country: Asia, Indonesia, Java island

Age: 35

Payment reference: Doctor 3

Karinca Melia Arundini

Open to read the CV

• General ophthalmologist in Netra Eye Clinic Tangerang, Ciputra Hospital Tangerang and An-Nisa Hospital Tangerang
• Member of Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA)
• Member of Indonesian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (INASCRS)
• Member of Asia-Pacific Ocular Imaging Society (APOIS)
• Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Educational background

1. Medical School, M.D. (Medical Faculty Universitas Hasauddin, Makassar, Indonesia) (2003-2009)
2. Residency, Ophthalmology (Universitas Padjadjaran, Cicendo National Eye Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia) (2011-2016)
3. Phacoemulsification Surgery Certification (INASCRS, Indonesia) (2017)
4. ESASO Asia 19th Module in Medical & Surgical Retina, Singapore (2020)

Working experience:

2009-2011: General practitioner at Klinik Baruna Cikini Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
2010-2011: General practitioner at Mom and Child Care Clinic – Siloam Hospital Lippo Village, Indonesia
2017-2018: Ophthalmologist at Rumah Sakit Umum Kecamatan Kembangan, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia

Research Study:

1. Description of the West Java Society Needs of Treatment of Visual Impairment That Can Be Treated (2014)
2. Correelation of Visual Acuity Screenin in Preschool Children between Personal Computer Software Jaeb Visual Acuity Screener and Tumbling E (2016)

Scientific Meeting Attended:


• Participant in Public Discussion of Medical Law IDI Banten, Indonesia
• Participant in The 32nd Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress (APAO), Singapore
• Participant in 7th Yearly Ophthalmologist Program, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Presenting E-poster in The 2nd Asia Pacific Tele-Ophthalmology Society (APTOS) Symposium, Hong Kong
• Participant in 3rd Asean Ophthalmology Society Congress, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Participant in 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting of IOA, Malang
• Participant in Phacoemulsification Wetlab on Update Phacoemulsification Tips and Tricks, Jambi, Indonesia
• Participant in Symposium on Update Phacoemulsification Tips and Tricks, Jambi, Indonesia
• Presenting free paper in 5th International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technology, and Biomedical Engineering (ICICI-BME), Bandung, Indonesia
• Participant in Femtolasik dan SmartSurface Wetlab, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Participant in Meet the Expert of Lasik, Jakarta, Indonesia


• Participant in 4th INASCRS Biennial Meeting, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Participant in The 33rd Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress (APAO), Hong Kong
• Presenting free paper in The 33rd Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress (APAO), Hong Kong
• Participant in The 3rd Jakarta Eye Center International Meeting, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Participant in Continuing Vitreo-Retina Education, Tangerang, Indonesia


• Participant in Cicendo International Ophthalmological Meeting, Bandung, Indonesia
• Participant in The 5th INASCRS Biennial Meeting, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Participant in Regional II Ophthalmology Meeting, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Participant in The Inauguration Indonesian Eye Meeting by Hawaian Eye Foundation, Bali, Indonesia
• Participant in The 15th National Congress and 44th Annual Scientific Meeting of IOA


• Presenting E-poster in 35th Singapore-Malaysia Joint Meeting in Ophthalmology in conjunction with 1st Asia-Pacific Ocular Imaging Society Meeting


My name is Karinca Melia Arundini. I’m an ophthalmologist from Indonesia. Indonesia is a developing country in Southeast Asia. It is the world’s largest island country, with 17.504 islands.

Recently I live in Java island, the world’s most populous island, which is home to more than half of the country’s population.

National prevalence of blindness in Indonesia is 0.4%. Prevalence of severe low vision is 0.9%, and cataracts is 1.8%. Three main reasons for cataract patients who have not been operated on are due to nescience (51.6%), financial incompetence (11.6%), and lack of courage (8.1%).

I live in Banten province, it is the westernmost province on the island of Java.
The province borders West Java and the Special Capital Region of Jakarta to the east. The population of Banten was officially estimated at 12,959,169 in the middle of 2019. Prevalence of blindness in Banten is 0.3% and severe low vision is 1.0%. Cataract prevalence is 1.8%. With a quite high prevalence of blindness and those obstacles, Indonesia needs many social services in preventing blindness. Me with other fellow ophthalmologists in my country often do social services for cataract surgeries, free eye examinations, and visual acuity screenings. My country needs more ophthalmologists with adequate knowledge and good skills to reduce blindness rates. I really hope I can join ESASO course to increase my knowledge, improve my skills, and to learn another perspective in finding solutions for ophthalmogical cases. Everything to be a better ophthalmologist to serve community.

Karinca Melia Arundini



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