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ESASO Executive Global Director, Dr. Giuseppe Guarnaccia, Honorary Citizenship of the City of Lublin, Poland

ESASO Executive Global Director, Dr. Giuseppe Guarnaccia, Honorary Citizenship of the City of Lublin, Poland

ESASO is proud to announce that Dr. Giuseppe Guarnaccia, Global Executive Director of the Foundation, obtained honorary citizenship of the city of Lublin.

The ceremony took place on 05.10.2020 at the City Hall of Lublin in the presence of the Mayor of Lublin City, Krzysztof Żuk, Prof. Robert Rejdak MD, PhD, FICO President of the Polish Association of Ophthalmic Surgeons; Vice-Rector, Medical University of Lublin, Professor and Chairman of the Dept. General Ophthalmology;

The efforts made by Dr.Guarnaccia and his good friend Prof. Rejdak to bring ophthalmological training to high levels throughout Eastern Europe, especially in Poland and the city of Lublin have led to this important milestone.

Dr. Guarnaccia is proud of this important recognition, which marks the beginning of the collaboration between the ESASO Foundation and the city of Lublin.

Congratulations Director

A special thanks to all friends and to all the personalities present during the ceremony.

Jarosław Pakuła, Chairman of the City Council
Prof. Wojciech Załuska, Rector of the Medical University of Lublin
Prof. Wiesław Gruszecki, Vice-Rector for Science and International Relations
Rev. Prof. Stanisław Dziekoński, Former Rector of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw,
Prof. Tomasz Żarnowski, Chair of the Department of Diagnostic and Microsurgery of Glaucoma,
Prof. Jerzy Mackiewicz, Chair of the Department of Vitreoretinal Surgery,
Prof. Zbigniew Zagórski, Retired Professor of the Medical University of Lublin and Chair of the 1st Ophthalmology Clinic,
Tomasz Ambroziak, Product Manager at Novartis Poland Sp. z o.o.
The Staff of the Department of General Ophthalmology of the Medical University of Lublin

